• Ford 1949-1953 distributor both mechanical and vacuum advance  -FD4953
  • Ford 1949-1953 distributor both mechanical and vacuum advance  -FD4953
  • Ford 1949-1953 distributor both mechanical and vacuum advance  -FD4953
Complete Front To Back Light Bulb Kits
Complete Front To Back Light Bulb Kits

1949-1953 Ford- Mercury Flathead V8 8BA,8CM,8RT distributor both mechanical and vacuum advance -FD4953

Vintage Auto Garage
Was: $419.95
Now: $399.95
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Product Description 1949-1953 Ford- Mercury Flathead V8 8BA,8CM,8RT distributor both mechanical and vacuum advance -FD4953

Fits Ford and Mercury 1949-53 Flathead V8  8BA, 8CM, 8RT ready to run distributor with points system. Replaces the original Load-O-Matic vacuum advance only distributor.
These are reconditioned distributors using Chevrolet distributor cores, outright sale and No Core charge. These fit both iron and aluminum timing covers. There is no need to have bottom extension on dist drive, this distributor is supported 100% from dist housing. 
This distributor has a lower bushing and is supported on the full length of the shaft. Compatible with aluminum and iron timing covers found in both Ford and Mercury, 8BA, 8RT, 8CM engines. 
Points distributor is compatible with 6 or 12 volt electrical systems. 
Add Pertronix igniton module 1181LS module. If selected this module will be added to the order and shipped separate customer install. (Dist only sold with points)
This upgraded distributor uses both mechanical and vacuum advance, much improved and modern setup. Vacuum and mechanical advance allows the engine to run efficiently under different loads and is the most desirable configuration.

8BA distributor utilizes a GM core distributor machined to fit the 49-53 Ford and Mercury engines, timing covers. These are 100% rebuilt with new bushings, points, condenser, lead, rotor, cap, gear, rebuit vacuum advance. Tune up parts are available anywhere, as they are the same parts used in all GM V8s from 1957 to 1974, no longer do you have to hunt for someone with the points for your 1949-53 Ford. Points are adjustable from outside for easy maintenance.  Also optional with electronic conversion to eliminate points maintenance.

This distributor (with points) will work with any 6 volt system if you don’t want to convert to 12 volts and will work with any carburetor set-up. If using the original carb you will need to re plumb the vacuum source to manifold vacuum, it will not work properly with original vacuum source.

Installation instructions read completely before starting:

1949-1953 Ford or Mercury 8BA V8 Replaces old style Load-O-Matic distributors:

Before removing the old distributor turn engine over to align timing mark on the front pulley and pointer on timing cover to number 1 firing position. (rotor should be pointing approximately toward the right front tire) if not, turn the engine over one complete revolution to bring number 1 cylinder to

firing position. Note position of rotor. (a picture is a good idea).

Remove old distributor leaving cap and wires in place on engine. Do not turn engine!

Install new distributor with vacuum unit in same approximate orientation as original distributor and rotor clocked to approximate number one firing position as noted. Check for gap between bottom of distributor and cylinder

head mounting tab. If clearance is noted, use provided shim washers to take up gap. (some variation in cylinder head thickness has been found) Loosely install hold down button head bolt and washer.

Now transfer wires to new distributor cap from old cap one by one in original sequence. If you are starting from scratch the cylinders are numbered front to rear passenger side 1 2 3 4 driver side 5 6 7 8 the distributor turns clockwise and the firing order is 1 5 4 8 6 3 7 2.

Before timing disconnect the vacuum advance and plug so there are no vacuum leaks. Now set timing to specs with timing light and tighten distributor hold down with provided allen wrench. (do not over tighten hold down it is only to keep distributor from moving). There is no strain on hold down. Reconnect the vacuum advance.

If adjustment is needed in the future the dwell is 30 degrees + or- 2 degrees.

Points, condenser, rotor and cap are all commonly found GM V8 1957 through 1974 the vacuum advance is VC24 with limit stop to hold vacuum advance to 5 degrees.  Distributor advance is calibrated to stock 1949 to 1953 Ford- Mercury specs. DO NOT CONNECT VACUUM TO CARBURETOR IF YOU ARE USING STOCK CARBURETOR, RATHER CONNECT VACUUM TO MANIFOLD VACUUM SOURCE. If you are using after market carburetor connect to venturi vacuum source, above throttle plates.




Questions about the 1949-1953 Ford- Mercury Flathead V8 8BA,8CM,8RT distributor both mechanical and vacuum advance -FD4953?

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Warranty Information

Vintage Auto Garage LLC offers a one year [12 months] limited warranty on products sold to the original owner. The limited warranty applies to items sold to be free from defects in material and workmanship. Vintage Auto Garage LLC is not responsible for any consequential damages caused by items sold or installed. This warranty covers the replacement/repair of the product only and does not cover the cost of removal and installation. Light bulbs are not covered under any warranty, if your order arrives with damaged bulbs caused by shipping, Vintage Auto Garage LLC will replace the light bulb at no charge. There is no warranty on parts that have been modified, painted, altered or not correctly installed. Some parts carry a longer manufacture limited warranty, in this case Vintage Auto Garage LLC will cover the first year [12 months] warranty and the manufacture would cover the remaining warranty period. Battery cables manufactured by Vintage Auto Garage LLC have a lifetime limited warranty to the original buyer. Extended warranty coverage can be purchased separately for some products that would extend the normal warranty by [12 months], [24 months] or [36 months]. Contact us if you would like more information on extended warranty or add to cart when making your purchase.

Product Reviews

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6 Reviews

  • 5
    super nicely made

    Posted by Rod on Jul 27th 2024

    This is what you need for your 49-53 flatty will run way better with this and the parts are nice and can get locally if needed, get this one....

  • 5
    49-53 distributer

    Posted by Ken on Jul 6th 2024

    Works great! With dual Stromberg 97 I can bypass the vacuum advance and that made all the difference at hi rpm driving.

  • 5
    Refurbished distributor

    Posted by Rick Thiel on Apr 9th 2024

    Very clean nice

  • 5
    Cool dist

    Posted by Rob on Dec 16th 2023

    Yep this dist works way better than my old stock dist dropped right in hooked up the mech advance give my 53 custom better performance no lag Cool product

  • 5
    perfect fit

    Posted by Dean on Jul 10th 2023

    Installed on my 1950 shoe box ford 8BA motor, hooked vacuum to manifold vacuum and this dist worked way better than my old load o matic thanks for help with this

  • 5
    Very good dist

    Posted by Don on Feb 25th 2023

    Needed to replace my old load o matic dist orded this one way nicer than anything I have seen in tbe market has vacuum and mechanical and use off the shelf parts very high quality and my 50 8ba motor runs much better with this dist. Highly recommend these guys. Also this appears to be all American not some offshore junk.